Thursday 4 April 2013


so with third year ever looming, i feel like i should be working a lot harder than i should. i only recently had an epiphany as to what i want my dissertation and final major project to be based around and it's pretty much my views on fashion and ethos.

at the minute, i've just got a whirlwind of thoughts and ideas going around my head and i really need to write it all down before it poofs into nothingness!

i've always been interested in unisex fashion, the idea that garments are just garments - it doesn't matter who or what gender wears them. if it's so socially acceptable for girls to wear their boyfriend's clothes then WHY isn't it socially acceptable for boys to wear girls clothes? i'm not saying it's right or wrong but to me it just doesn't make sense. clothes are just material, it's the person that wears them and the character they portray that ultimately matters. fashion is a world of prejudice, controversy and revolutions.

i went to J W Anderson for a work placement, because i had all these ideas nurtured in my head, and he was a young designer that was challenging these prejudices. with each collection he was doing something new, and like he said he wasn't going out of his way to be "shocking' - he just thought that's how fashion would be in the future.

i stumbled across this video, shot by ShowStudio and he kind of covers everything i've been thinking about but has helped me by putting it into words and explaining the thought process behind it.

seriously though, give it a watch, he's got a great way of thinking about the fashion world we all love, and will definitely give you food for thought.


  1. Sounds like a great idea for a dissertation lovely- so true though, like Scots wear skirts, so why don't all men?! Good luck with it all! (And second year is NOT for doing lots of work ahah!) x

    1. thanks!! haha I know I just feel so guilty not doing loads of work, I feel so lazy! I guess I'll be saying a completely different thing next year!! x
